Teyvat Travelogue Vol. I

Destination: Mondstadt

Pack your bags and follow the wind!
Love awaits you in the dandelion fields,
clear springs, and valleys of lush
green, my dear Traveler.

About This Project

The Teyvat Travelogue is a Genshin Impact anthology-style fanzine centred on MLM ships from the game, depicted in a specific region of Teyvat.Our first edition will guide you through discovering the many Mondstadt locations through its depictions of MLM ships having traveled to or living in the region.

Current Stage:
Creation Period

Project Details

Page and Comic Artists

Page and comic artists will be assigned a location and a ship to depict in their piece (based, as much as possible, on preferences indicated in applications).Page artists will be able to create a single page or a spread and comic artists will be able to create a short comic spanning 1 or 2 pages.Artists who volunteer for it may be paired up with a writer to create spot art or a companion piece for a writer's work.Signatures on works are allowed as long as they do not disrupt the piece. Streaming while working is allowed, as long as the final product is not shown. WIP posts on social medias beyond the sketching phase are not allowed.

Merch Artists

Merch artists will be assigned types of merchandise to create illustrations for. They will be asked to create 2 to 3 pieces of merch. Depending on their preferences, they may get assigned a character, a ship, or a region to draw ships from for their piece. Specifics of pitches may be discussed with the mods during the pitching phase.

Writers and Poets

Writers and poets will be assigned a location and a ship based on their preferences, as indicated during the application phase. The piece does not have to be set exclusively in the assigned location, but the location must be prominently featured or play a central role in the narrative.Each writer or poet will be paired up with an artist, if possible, who will create a companion piece or spot art to be featured alongside their writing. Fanfiction will have to be from 2000 to 3000 words and poems can take up to 48 lines.


1. What is a (fan)zine?

(Fan)zines (derived from 'magazines') are unofficial publications of work based on one or more preexisting works of fiction. For this zine, we are aiming to include both writing and artwork as well as produce merch.

2. Will this zine be digital or physical?

This zine will be physical, but a digital version will also be available.

3. Is this zine for profit or for charity?

This zine will be for-profit. Profits allowing, each contributor and moderator of the zine will be compensated with a full bundle of the zine, plus an equal share of any additional profit.

4. What is the rating of this zine?

This zine will only include SFW (‘Safe For Work’) content.

5. What ships will this zine feature?

All kinds of MLM ships, with characters both from Mondstadt and other regions. Please be aware that we aim for inclusivity. This is a “multiship” zine, so if you feel deep discomfort with any MLM ships in Genshin, this zine may not be for you. Harassment about any ship will not be tolerated, from both moderators and contributors.

6. Do top/bottom dynamics matter for this zine?

No, character names in ship names are in alphabetical order (like on AO3) with no reflection of top/bottom preference as it does not pertain to us as a SFW zine.

7. Is traditional art accepted?

Traditional art is allowed as long as you submit your final piece scanned in at least 300DPI in the correct page format (B5).

8. Are AUs allowed in the zine?

Due to the nature of the zine theme, we will not be allowing alternate universes. All zine pieces must be set in a Genshin Impact canon or canon-adjacent setting.

9. Can I submit any work I've already completed as my zine piece?

All content in the zine is meant to be exclusive for the duration of this project. Any art or writing that you have already posted or shared online is thus not eligible for this zine.

10. Can I post my piece after the zine is over?

Contributors retain all rights to their respective fanworks. That said, you may only share, post, or sell your piece after shipping is complete. Doing so before shipping is done will result in the removal of your piece from the zine.

11. I have a question that wasn’t answered here.

Please contact us through email, Tumblr Asks or DMs, Twitter DMs, or Retrospring and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.


Please note that the schedule is tentative at this time and may be adjusted as the project progresses.

Project LaunchAugust 28th
Interest CheckSeptember 11th - November 9th
Contributor AppsNovember 20th - January 1st
Contributor Apps ResultsJanuary 10th
Pitches DueJanuary 28th
Pitches FinalizedFebruary 7th
Check-in #1February 25th
Check-in #2March 17th
Check-in #3April 7th
Final SubmissionsApril 21st
PreordersJune 1st
Production, etc.July & after



Head & Writing Mod

Hi, I'm Blue! I adore Genshin's scenery and its many wonderful ships, so it was about time I did something with both!Experience: Feel free to take a look at my Carrd.


Formatting Mod

Hello, I’m George and I believe in Anemo supremacy!Experience: Sprout's Rebirth (Formatting), Swirling Seas (Org & Formatting), Fortunate Skies (Head, Graphics & Formatting), Illumination (Org, Formatting & Production), etc.


Social Media Mod

I like Dottore and Dottore’s Accessories (Scaramouche, Segments, Pantalone)Experience: Fortunate Skies, a Chennett Zine (Socials); Salon of Refuse Anthology (Undertale; Page Artist & Unofficial Intern); You are my stars, a Cherryberry Zine (Undertale; Head).


Graphics Mod

Yo yo yo, I'm Tulip, the resident Razor main and polyship enthusiast. Happy to be here!Experience: SK8 Through the Seasons Zine (Formatting); SK8 AU Zine (Head, Graphics, Art & Writing); Eternal, a Baal Zine (Formatting); Pocket Memories, an AC Scrapbook Zine (Graphics), etc.


Art Mod

Hi there! I’m Noya, Bennett’s number one defender and I’m so happy to be here!Experience: Swirling Seas: Chiscara Zine (Art); Alis Aureis: A KL Collection (Sub-Head); Tartaglia™️ Zine (Graphics).


Finance & Production Mod

Hello, I'm Arithra! I’m a sucker for M/M ships and have a special weakness for Mondstadt…Experience: White Heron Cup Zine (Head, Finance, Production & Shipping); Glacial Waltz Zine (Shipping, Production & Finance); Thomato Zine (Head), etc.


Shipping Mod

Hello all! I’m Noct and I'm happy to be here! I can't wait to see all the lovely things you have in store!Experience: Stardust Tides (Shipping); Teyvat Studios (Shipping); Reunion, a Zhongvenzhong Zine (Shipping), and many more!